How to Keep Your Business Flowing (Amidst a Global Pandemic)

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So you are running a commercial business, and you are making big plans to ensure 2020 is your year! You have designed a product or service that is wicked cool, and you have poured your blood, sweat, and tears into making it special. On top of that, you are making plans to host a very special event to promote it all. You are going to invite your friends, your colleagues, even some big names in your industry. You’ve rehearsed your presentation and speech in front of a variety of test audiences (your dog, husband, and shampoo bottles), so you know you are ready to go. And suddenly, the world shuts down due to a &%$#@* global pandemic. Pardon my language. There must be an original and unique way to describe this situation. Unprecedented times. Nailed it. No one is allowed to gather for your event, and most people are wise enough to stay safe and stay home.

So what the heck are you supposed to do now?

Let’s talk about a few options you have before throwing in the towel.

  1. Host a high quality livestream using PHOCO’s technology.

    Now, we have all had our fair share of Zoom meetings and Facetime calls, am I right? It is currently one of the most effective means of communication. But sometimes, it’s just not enough. The audio is spotty, the lighting is bad, and the angle of the webcam is downright unflattering. Sorry, but it is true. If you are going to host an event online, you need things to look, sound, and feel professional. That’s where we can help. With a little social-distanced help from team PHOCO, you can set up a professional-grade livestream of your event that will blow away any other zoom call you have ever attended. (Patrick, I’ll need your assistance here writing some detail about the new tech you have, setting up multiple camera angles, etc.)

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2. Put the money you were going to spend on the event toward shooting professional video or photos of your product or service.

Since everybody is at home, everybody is online all day. They’ve seen enough cat fail videos, it is time to entertain them with a video you created! Who am I kidding, you can never see enough cat fail videos. Nevertheless, everyone is online, so take advantage of that! As people mindlessly scroll through their Instagram or Facebook, why not catch their eye with a high-quality, beautifully edited video about your business? It doesn’t have to be a boring slideshow of iPhone photos, in fact, it should definitely not be. Invest in a video that will entrance viewers and give them something to think about.

You have already worked this hard and put this much brainpower into your business, it deserves to be seen the way you want it to be seen. Your product or service is important to you, it doesn’t seem right to then market it with mediocre images. When you think of your favorite products or businesses, do any of them have an Instagram feed full of pixelated iPhone photos? Probably not. You should be marketing your high quality business with high quality photos. Let us help you bring your vision to life.

3. Take this time to build your online presence.

One of the most important things to remember during this time is that we live in a digital world! We might be stuck at home, but business is still happening. Focus your energy on establishing a website, Instagram, and Facebook account for your business. Your online presence can always be updated and improved upon. Take this time to reach out to former clients and ask them to write a review for you. Think about it this way, let’s say you steadily grow your online presence over the next several weeks. Your SEO improves, you gain more followers, and have a greater network. If the stay at home orders are lifted soon, say in one month, your business will be fresh on the mind of all of those people who you connected with. If on the other hand, the stay at home orders are renewed and we are stuck in self-isolation for another several months, heaven forbid, then you are still sitting in a better position because everyone will be back online again, seeing your great work!

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4. Most importantly, treat yourself well

This season is hard. It’s OK. As humans, we are built for community, so when we have to social distance, it takes a toll. Call your mom simply to tell her you love her, send your best friend a bouquet of flowers (or box of donuts), go for a long walk, learn something new, grow some vegetables, then eat those vegetables! Try to look at it this way: your goals and dreams haven’t been crushed, you just have more time to plan for them.